L'Ensemble Instrumental du Mali
The following two volumes via the amazing Holy Warbles:
Le Mali des Sables - Les Songoy
Le Mali des steppes et des savanes - Les Mandingues
Les peul
The following two volumes via the amazing Holy Warbles:
Le Mali des Sables - Les Songoy
Le Mali des steppes et des savanes - Les Mandingues
Les peul
CAREMUSICPROJECT from outsidemusic on Vimeo.
Just showed this film at CARE's National Advocacy Conference in Washington, DC. More info on CARE work on their site, CARE.oRG. I've been working on this initiative for about 4 years, trying to bring together my interest in field recordings with the work that CARE does to fight poverty and empower women in over seventy of the poorest countries across the world. More to come I hope!! Grab the MP3s at CARE.oRG/MUSIC.